September 20, 2005

Another boring Tuesday!

I don't get it.....why are Tuesdays SO boring??The pile of laundry has risen again to dangerous levels but today I absolutely REFUSE to go there.I am tired and bored....I need a vacation!Anyone willing to sponsor me and also willing to babysit my kids?No?I didn't think so.....goes figure.Y'all suck.

It's Not Fair

I'm So Bored

Posted by The Brat From Georgia at September 20, 2005 04:16 PM | TrackBack

Tell ya what, get Jim to watch the kids one weekend and Flor and I will take you camping with us in Raburn county. 4 to 5 miles deep in the woods where there is nothing but the river, the trees and you. So relaxing....:)

Posted by: sompopo at September 20, 2005 05:52 PM