November 18, 2005

Uncle Sam loves you!

The state of Georgia has decided,that names of parents,who's children,under the age of 13, miss 10 or more days of school, will be handed over to the police.Reason:
There may be domestic violence in the family,which makes the children unable to attend school,and the only way to find out is by handing the names over to the police.
Parents then have to go to court and explain why their children did not show up in school.Punishments vary from jail time,fines to community service.
Children 13 and older are assumed to be responsible for their own actions and therefor thrown into juvenile detention.DOH!OK,thrown in jail for not going to school and then staying out of school because you are in jail.Yeah,makes totally sense to me.As well as that they will take away the driver licenses of students who miss more then 10 days of school.LE WHAT?
How exactly does that relate to school again?
Fucking government needs to mind their own god damn business and stay the hell out of family lives.Who says our kids miss school because of domestic violence??And if so....its none of their fucking business either.
I am so sick of hearing that the US is the GREAT country of FREEDOM.
Freedom my ass!Where is this freedom????Fucking public schools are worse then the military!
Tell you what.......I rather have stupid children than handing them over to the government schools.Anyone who still sends their kids there is blind,ignorant and just plain out of their mind!Might as well send yourself and your kids straight to jail.Do not cross start,do not collect 200 Dollars......

BTW this whole thing runs under the "No Child Left Behind Act".

Posted by The Brat From Georgia at November 18, 2005 02:49 PM | TrackBack

When it comes to government and government run schools nothing surprizes me. If you have children the government tells you how to raise them. If they are in government schools they do not learn anything but socialism. Political correctness is distroying this country big time.Just put them on Ritilin and to hell with it. Freedom? what is that? Do not blame Bush, blame the damn people of this country for its short comings. Etc, etc,.........

Posted by: sompopo at November 18, 2005 07:38 PM

I would never blame Bush.He had a good idea coming that is destroyed and missused by a buch of assholes.

Posted by: The Brat at November 19, 2005 01:21 PM